Sweeny ISD is the District of Choice in the area, empowering all students, staff to maximize their potential.
Handbooks and Policies
Student Code of Conduct
Student Handbook
Dress Code
Secondary Dress and Grooming Guidelines
Everyday Dress for Success
Dressing for success can have a significant impact on a student's confidence and performance here at Sweeny High School. By wearing appropriate attire, students can feel more prepared for their academic tasks. This can help create a positive first impression, whether it is in class, during presentations, or encounters with stakeholders celebrating the accomplishments of our students. In order to cultivate a mindset of readiness and professionalism students are expected to adhere to the Sweeny High School Dress and Grooming Guidelines or be subjected to consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Hairstyles shall not, cause a health or safety hazard or cause disruption of the educational process.
Extreme hairstyles (mohawks, etc.) will not be permitted.
Hair must be a natural color(no pink, orange, red, green, blue, etc.)
Facial hair(mustaches, beards, sideburns, or goatees) should be neat, clean, and well groomed/trimmed.
All visible tattoos must be appropriate as determined by campus administration
All tattoos containing graphics related to gangs, depicting illegal activities or substances or glorifying blood, gore, weapons, or violence must be covered.
Piercings in the ear and a single stud in the nostril of the nose are permitted if kept to an appropriate size as deemed by campus administration. Septum piercings, lip and tongue piercings and other excessive body piercings or piercings that cause a safety concern are not allowed. (no large hoops, gauges, chains etc.)
Oversized earrings, loops, bars, gauges, or spacers are not allowed.
Other body piercing jewelry and/or accessories will not be visible.
Heavy chains, leather collars or accessories with or without spikes or studs will not be allowed.
Sunglasses or sunshades are not allowed indoors.
Hats, hoods and head-coverings of any kind are not to be worn within school building except in the interest of religious practices, medical reasons, or with the permission of the principal.
Extreme makeup will not be allowed.
This includes any application of makeup that alters the reasonable recognition of the student by campus staff or causes a disruption of the learning environment.
Sweeny ISD prohibits any other clothing or grooming that may reasonably be expected to cause disruption or interference with normal school operations.
No clothing that has been ripped, torn, pinned, sewn, or cut in a way as to reveal undergarments, or midriff.
Clothing shall be of appropriate size, length, and fitting to cover undergarments when the student is standing, sitting, stooping, or bending.
Undergarments cannot be visible at any time.
Holes in clothing showing skin are not permitted. Patched holes may not exceed 4X4 inches.
Sheer or see-through clothing is prohibited.
Sleepwear (pajamas) is not allowed except for campus-designated days but must still comply with the policies in this document.
Any item of clothing, that depicts or promotes, death, suicide, violence, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profanity, sex, cultural divisiveness, or racial intolerance will not be permitted.
Hoodies are permitted on campus. Students must keep the hood off his/her head while inside the school building. When wearing a hoodie or jacket, students must wear a shirt underneath.
The midriff section must be kept covered at all times. Student’s neckline must not show any cleavage.
Dresses and skirts may be no higher than fingertip length while standing upright. Slits in skirts must be no higher than fingertip length when standing upright. Dresses should be loose fitting. No cleavage or back exposure. No form fitting dresses.
Shorts are not allowed.
Skirts may be no shorter than fingertip length while standing.
Pants must be worn to fit at the waist, the crotch, and the length – no sagging allowed, (undergarments and underwear are not visible)
Sweatpants, wind pants,and joggers are permitted with pockets.
Fishnets, knee highs, or see through clothing not permitted.
Leggings, bike pants, and yoga(flare) pants are not permitted, unless worn as an undergarment with appropriate bottoms.
Appropriate footwear is required. Footwear must provide support around the heel. If worn, Crocs must have the strap around the heel.
House shoes, slippers/slides, and other similar footwear does not meet this requirement and will not be allowed at school. Shoes that have wheels are not permitted.
Outerwear is defined as anything worn over the standardized dress, such as, but not limited to hoodies, jackets and coats. Students must keep the hood of their jacket/hoodie off of their head while on school grounds.
All jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts must be appropriately sized.
No blankets to be used as outerwear.
A school appropriate shirt must be worn under all outerwear.
Relaxed Dress Days
Throughout the year campus administration will announce relaxed dress days. The occurrence will align with pep-rallies, campus events, and student successes. Permitted items on relaxed dress days to include school appropriate: shorts, pajama pants, hats. When shorts are allowed on relaxed dress days, the length of the shorts must be no higher than fingertip length while standing upright. Dress-up attire subject to campus administration discretion.